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  • LalBrew Munich Classic Wheat Beer Yeast (500g)



    LalBrew Munich Classic™ is a Bavarian wheat beer strain selected from the Doemens Academy Culture Collection in Germany. It imparts the spicy and fruity aroma profile typical of German wheat beer styles. LalBrew Munich Classic™ produces higher levels of esters and phenols compared to traditional Belgian wheat beer strains such as LalBrew Wit™. LalBrew Munich Classic™ has robust and consistent performance making it a great choice for a variety of traditional wheat beer styles. A true top-cropping yeast, LalBrew Munich Classic™ can be skimmed off the top of classic open fermentation vessels using traditional methods. Styles brewed with LalBrew Munich Classic™ include but are not limited to Hefeweizen, Weissbier, Dunkelweizen and Weizenbock.


    Attenuation 76-83%
    Fermentation Temp Range
    17 - 25°C (63 - 77°F)
    Flocculation Low
    Alcohol Tolerance 12% ABV
    Pitch Rate 50-100 g/hL
    Species S. cerevisae


    Microbiological Properties

    Classified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a top fermenting yeast.
    Typical Analysis of LalBrew Munich Classic™ yeast:

    Percent Solids



    5 x 10 CFU per gram of dry yeast

    Wild Yeast < 1 per 10 yeast cells



    < 1 per 10 yeast cells

    Finished product is released to the market only after passing a rigorous series of tests
    *See specifications sheet for details

    Brewing Properties

    In Lallemand’s Standard Conditions Wort at 20°C (68°F) LalBrew Munich Classic™ yeast exhibits:

    • Vigorous fermentation that can be completed in 4 days.
    • Medium to High attenuation and Low flocculation.
    • Aroma and flavor is balanced with prominent notes of banana and clove.
    • This strain is POF Positive.
    • The optimal temperature range for LalBrew Munich Classic™ yeast when producing traditional styles is 17 - 25°C (63 - 77°F).

    Lag phase, total fermentation time, attenuation and flavor are dependent on pitch rate, yeast handling, fermentation temperature and nutritional quality of the wort.